November’s speakers will be a group of conservators from the Intermuseum Conservation Association (ICA) Laboratory in near-west Cleveland. The Cleveland lab of ICA is one of seven art conservation facilities in the country that serve museums and collectors without their own staff, and is currently the only one that serves all forms of art work. Join Dr. Holly Witchey, ICA Director of Education & Outreach, and several art conservators as we view a 15-minute prerecorded tour, assembled by our own Counselor Mike Kenney, followed by a live online Q & A session with several ICA conservators. Learn about the educational backgrounds needed for art conservation, ask about the science(s) involved, and discuss specific projects that the ICA lab has worked on. (Please note that some questions may not be answered due to privacy and security concerns.) This is a unique opportunity to learn about a science & art gem hidden in a little historic building (the old Vitrolite Building) in Ohio City.