Melissa Barranger Mathys, Ph.D.
Wednesday February 19, 2020
John Carroll University
Dolan Science Center
O’Connell Reading Room
4:30 pm Executive Committee Meeting
5:30 pm Social/Networking
6:00 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Presentation
Getting to Know the USNCO: A Glimpse into the World of High School Chemistry Competitions, Dr. Melissa Barranger Mathys, Ursuline College
Abstract: Each year since 1984 the ACS Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer Chemistry Olympiad Endowment has sponsored the United States National Chemistry Olympiad (USNCO). This competition selects exceptional high school chemistry students from across the country to compete in the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO). Since 2012, Northeast Ohio has been well-represented, sending 7 high school students to the training camp in 8 years. This talk will cover aspects of the process to choose these students along with how ACS members can get involved at the local and national level. Attend to test your knowledge with example competition questions.
Speaker Biography: Melissa Barranger Mathys, Ph.D., has been a chemistry professor for over 20 years. In additions to her faculty duties at Ursuline College, she has participated as a United States National Chemistry Olympiad (USNCO) mentor from 2012-2014 and again from 2019-2020. She has traveled with the USA team as they competed in Russia, Vietnam, and France. The 2020 IChO will be held in Istanbul Turkey in July.
DINNER RESERVATIONS: Please RSVP by Fri. Feb. 14 by filling the online registration form (immediately below). Dinner will be Italian buffet style and will include Mesclun Salad, Lemon Rosemary Chicken, Rigatoni Marinara (veg), Italian Seasoned Green Beans, Lemon Chessecake Bars, Iced Tea and Lemonade and garlic bread sticks. At the event, we take credit cards, checks made out to “Cleveland ACS”, or cash. The cost is $20 for members, non-members and guests, $10 for retirees or unemployed, and $5 for students.